Gun rights advocates begin receiving death threats

Death_ThreatOne of the most popular psychological theories concerning why anti-gunners are so afraid of inanimate objects revolves around the concept of transference. As the theory goes, anti-gunners simply cannot conceive of responsible gun ownership because they would not, could not, be responsible themselves.

This theory is bolstered by the sick and violent threats being made against gun owners over the last week.

WARNING: Violent and foul language ahead

Twitchy reported on a few of the early examples:

Sam Tarling @sammyswordfish tweets “All NRA members should be shot!!!! ”

John Cobarruvias @BayAreaHouston tweets “Can we now shoot the #NRA and everyone who defends them?”

Michael Mayer @PrisonForBush tweets “Someone should shoot this motherfucker NRA President David Keene”

Bitter Old St Nick @90sRememberer tweets “Murder every NRA member”

Very Frustrated Pete @ArseBurgers tweets “Solution: Get every member of the NRA to stand in a circle, aim & shoot!”

Kate Rigg @katerigg tweets “the NRA should be shot.”

In Minnesota, where the unofficial state motto is “Minnesota Nice”, Christopher Burg who writes the blog A Geek With Guns received the following death threat.

“Dear Christopher Burg,

How does it feel being responsible for the death of children? Shit stains like you are directly responsible for Sandy Hook! It’s time somebody put you gun fucks in your place. Your [sic] pretty fucking stupid putting your real name on your site. I live in Minnesota as well and I’m going to find you and fucking kill you. Your days are numbered asshole. Its [sic] open season on NRA shills!”

Given these examples of anti-gunner mental stability, I believe that Americans should be far more concerned about those in the Brady Campaign than those in the NRA.

Posted in Death Threats, Hoplophobia | 1 Comment

CNN’s Piers Morgan has a history of fabricating the news


Few in America realize that self-righteous twit and pompous ass Piers Morgan was once the editor of The Daily Mirror in the UK.

However, long before he spent his days insulting Americans for being “idiots”, Piers was busy publishing faked photographs that severely damaged his own country’s efforts in Iraq and may have lead to the deaths of British soldiers.

So what does a supposed ‘newsman’ do after risking the lives of honorable soldiers and publishing lies that became a “recruiting poster” for al-Qaeda?

In Morgan’s case, he was fired from his position over that scandal and had to cross an ocean in order to regain some semblance of credibility.

Remember that the next time you see Piers Morgan’s spittle-flecked chin wagging at American gun owners from some perceived perch of self-righteousness.

Read more about this scandal at BBC News.

Posted in Media Bias, Piers Morgan | 1 Comment

Gene Hoffman explains the shooting sports to the media

Gene_HoffmanGene Hoffman, Co-Founder and Chairman of the Calguns Foundation, took to the air with CBS News yesterday to explain why semi-auto firearms are so popular amongst gun owners.

Speaking in particular about the AR-15, CBS noted that more than 3 million Americans now own one.

Gene added that it “is the most popular selling firearm [in America].”  That is actually very important from a legal perspective since Heller tells us that the Second Amendment protects those firearms in “common use at the time” and the most popular firearm in America certainly meets that description.

Posted in AR-15, California, Semi-Auto Firearms | Leave a comment Co-Founder John Pierce discusses renewed calls for gun control

Manchin_WarnerIn the wake of announcements by Democrat Senators Warner and Manchin that they are willing to pursue gun control measures, I spoke with Talking Points Memo about the political fallout of such efforts.

In the interview, I noted that gun owners expect Republicans to ‘hold the line’ on any gun control legislation even if it means giving way on economic issues.

Turning then to the very real problem that we are having in the country with mentally disturbed individuals, I proposed real solutions to the problem rather than the feel-good solutions put forward by Democrats.

We need to talk about what really matters. We need to talk about getting armed resource officers in schools. We need to talk about programs that allow us to arm teachers if they wish to be armed,” he said. “We need to talk about increased funding for mental health.

Read the entire interview at Talking Points Memo.

Posted in Anti-Gun Democrats, Connecticut, Mass Shootings, Mental Health Reform | Leave a comment

Gun crime soars in ‘handgun free’ Great Britain

BritainDespite having had a complete ban on handguns for over 15 years, the criminal use of handguns in Britain continues to climb. Last year alone, gun crime in Britain increased 35%.

In fact, data just released shows that the number of crimes in which handguns were used in 2011 was more than double that in 1997 before the ban was instituted.

Supporters of gun control like to point to the UK as a shining example of gun control. After all, they are on an island nation and have controls so strict that their own olympic shooters have to go outside the country to practice.

And yet criminal use of firearms continues to increase while citizens are left defenseless.

The UK may be a shining example, but the example is of how much of a failure gun bans are from a public policy perspective.

Read more in Katie Pavlich’s latest column at

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Sales skyrocket as Democrats announce plans to ban guns

Gun_SalesAs once pro-gun Democrats join the rush to punish law-abiding gun owners for the actions of the Connecticut madman, gun owners are reacting by heading to their local gun stores in droves.

In Colorado, gun buyers on Saturday overwhelmed the state background check system which brought in extra staff and is still working though the backlog.

But Colorado is certainly not alone in experiencing this phenomenon.  Dealers in Oregon, Virginia, and Texas told USA Today that “sales are astronomical.”

Read more at USA Today.

AUTHOR’S COMMENT: Readers will note that I am calling the attacker from Friday ‘the Connecticut madman’ rather than using his name wherever possible. Law enforcement tells us that one of the driving factors in the mind of such monsters is the notoriety inevitably given them by the press and  I will NOT give him the notoriety of using his name unless it is absolutely necessary.

Posted in Anti-Gun Democrats, Colorado, Connecticut, Gun Sales | 1 Comment

Hit show American Guns cancelled by Discovery Channel

American_GunsIn just two seasons, American Guns has become one of The Discovery Channel’s biggest hits with ratings surging 50% for the second season premiere.

However, as anti-gun forces shrilly attack anything related to positive coverage of the shooting sports following the attack of a madman in Connecticut, the Discovery Channel has apparently decided to distance themselves from the community they once sought as viewers.

Gun owners should remember that the next time they turn on the TV or select a programming package for their home.

Read more at Fox News.

Posted in Connecticut, Media Bias | Leave a comment

PoliceOne weighs in on arming teachers

Doug_WyllieDoug Wyllie, Editor-in-Chief of PoliceOne, has an excellent article out today giving law-enforcement’s opinion of arming teachers.

From the article come these wise words “In my opinion, the answer is more guns and more trained sheepdogs. But some people in our country will immediately try to ban guns — inanimate objects, simple tools — rather than understand we need more people standing ready to KILL the sick bastards who would prey on our lambs! … Americans can no longer depend upon legislation to defend them from all who intend to do them harm.

Read more of this great article at PoliceOne.

Posted in Connecticut, Mass Shootings, Pro-Gun Law Enforcement | Leave a comment

Anti-American Piers Morgan abandons all pretense of journalistic integrity

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Dr. John Lott takes on Soledad O’Brien

Posted in John Lott, Media Bias, More Guns ... Less Crime | Leave a comment