The president is coming for your guns!


“And then I said ‘I’m not coming for your guns.’ Can you believe that they bought that?”

After bragging about his role in the original Brady bill, Vice president Biden today told reporters that “The president is going to act. There are executives orders, there’s executive action that can be taken.

Most pundits believe that Biden is referring to the possibility of President Obama requiring all semi-auto firearms to be subject to the National Firearms Act (NFA).

For those unfamiliar with the process to purchase a firearm under the NFA, you must first pay a ‘tax’ to the IRS of $200 and then get the chief law enforcement officer in your jurisdiction to sign off on the purchase (which they are under no obligation to do). If you can get them to sign off then you get fingerprinted and submit a Form 4 to the ATF and wait approximately 10 months for approval.

Be sure to thank your fellow gun owners and hunters who voted Democrat …

Read more at The Weekly Standard.

Posted in Anti-Gun Democrats, Executive Action, NFA, Presidential Politics | Leave a comment

Democrat Senator calls for background checks on ammo sales

Senator_BlumenthalConnecticut Senator Richard Blumenthal has announced that he plans to introduce a bill in the United States Senate to require all purchasers of ammunition to undergo a background check.

Gun owners should consider stockpiling ammunition and reloading supplies now as I suspect this will not be the only attempt to impose gun control through limiting the supply of ammunition.

Read more at Eyewitness News 3.

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New York state considers even more draconian gun laws

Cuomo_BloombergPictured here with fellow anti-liberty activist and New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg is New York’s Democrat governor Andrew Cuomo.

As Democrats across the country en-masse abandon their promises to constituents that “we won’t take your guns, ” the 2016 presidential hopeful is looking to be a champion of the gun control movement.

Cuomo already governs a state with some of the most restrictive gun laws in the country but in the wake of the tragedy in Newtown, he hopes to strip citizens of even more rights.

According to news reports the package he hopes to pass includes a ban on semi-auto rifles and shotguns and severe limits on normal magazine capacity.

Culturally, New York has not been part of American mainstream for years but this move will take them even further away from the ideals on which this nation was founded.

Read more at CBS New York.


Posted in Abuse of Power, Anti-Gun Democrats, Assault Weapons Ban, Gun Control, New York, Proposed Gun Control | Leave a comment

Georgia is the latest state to report skyrocketing gun sales

Gun_SalesAs we have previously reported, gun sales have skyrocketed across the country as Democrats declare war on gun owners.

Georgia is the latest state to document the strength of recents sales. Across the state, carry permit applications and sales are up as much as 100% over last year’s numbers for the same period.

Read more at The Atlanta Journal-Constitution.

Posted in Anti-Gun Democrats, Georgia, Gun Control, Gun Sales, Proposed Gun Control | Leave a comment

Iowa Democrat calls for ban and confiscation of all semi-auto firearms

Dan_MuhlbauerAs Democrats have dropped all pretense of supporting gun owners, Iowa Democrat Dan Muhlbauer is calling for a complete ban on all semi-auto firearms.

In addition, he his calling for the ban to be retroactive and for all currently owned firearms to be confiscated.

We need to get them off the streets — illegally — and even if you have them, I think we need to start taking them … We can’t have those out there. Because if they’re out there they’re just going to get circulated around to the wrong people. Those guns should not be in the public’s hands. There are just too many guns.

Iowans need to remember this name and face when next they go to the polls.  While none of us knows for sure how the Republicans are going to handle the upcoming storm, we do know this … the Democrat Party is now out in the open as the sworn enemy of gun owners!

Read more at The Daily Caller.

Posted in Anti-Gun Democrats, Iowa, Proposed Gun Control | Leave a comment

Progressive reporter calls for death of gun owners

Donald_KaulMeet Donald Kaul. He is a reporter for the Des Moines Register, a Pulitzer Prize nominee, and the man who called for the death of gun owners.

Yes America …

THIS is what the anti-gunners really think of you!

THIS is what they think of your rights!

THIS is how they truly would like to handle those who disagree with them!

On Saturday, Kaul came out of retirement to write an article in which he proposed the following:

1) Repeal the 2nd Amendment.

2) Make gun ownership (even for those pesky hunters the politicians are always catering to) a heavily regulated privilege.

3) Declare the NRA a terrorist organization.

4) Make NRA membership a crime (thereby violating the 1st Amendment as well).

5) Make ownership of ‘scary’ rifles a felony and kill all of those who don’t hand them in.

6) Drag Mitch McConnell and John Boehner behind a truck in a parking lot until they agree to pass the above legislation.

It sounds to me like Kaul is the one with terroristic tendencies but that is nothing new to those who would disarm their neighbors.

Read more at the Des Moines Register.

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Nation’s Gun Show sees attendance double

Nations_Gun_ShowLast weekend at the ‘Nation’s Gun Show’ at the Dulles Expo Center in Chantilly, Virginia, attendance numbers were close to double what the promoters would have expected prior to the latest push by Democrats to ‘exploit‘ the Newtown tragedy to pass their radical gun-control agenda.

Annette Elliott, president of Showmasters Gun Shows says that “Literally, the exhibitors are running out of merchandise. They are running out of ammunition. They are running out of [so-called] ‘assault weapons’ and the handguns are moving rapidly also.

Read more at WTOP.

Posted in Gun Sales, Gun Shows, Virginia | 1 Comment

Senator Feinstein’s plan to ban cosmetically offensive rifles triggers opposition


For the past several weeks Senator Dianne Feinstein (D – California) has been promising to release details on her bill to ban the sale of certain cosmetically offensive, but otherwise normally functioning, semi-automatic rifles. A semi-automatic firearm fires only one round per trigger pull (just like a revolver), unlike automatic firearms, also called machine guns, which fire continuously as long as the trigger is held down.

Feinstein says she is targeting something she calls “assault weapons.” Gun owners say she is targeting “modern sporting rifles” and have already fired a preemptive volley at Feinstein’s plan through a White House petition captioned “Stop any legislation that will ban ‘assault weapons,’ semi-automatic rifles, or handguns and high capacity magazines.”

Read more at DC Gun Rights Examiner.

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Knives, fists, and clubs kill 9 times more people in the US than rifles

StabberIn the midst of the media-inspired frenzy over so-called ‘assault weapons’ comes this tidbit of data from the FBI Uniform Crime Report.

With Nancy Pelosi calling for semi-auto rifles to be treated the same as fully-auto machine guns under the National Firearms Act one would think that there was an epidemic of crime being committed with rifles.

But the FBI data shows that the most common instruments used by humans against one another are the same instruments that the evil elements of mankind have used to commit violence since primates first stood up on two legs and discovered their hands; fists, clubs, and knives.

So the next time that someone asks how you can possibly want to own a device capable of causing death, point out that their fists are far more likely to kill than your AR-15; nine times more in fact.


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California gun sales skyrocket while gun injuries and deaths fall

Mark Bailey of Bailey's Gun Supplies at The Nation's Gun Show at the Dulles Expo CenterIf the rhetoric of the left were to be believed, every gun sold would lead to an incremental increase in the number of people injured by gunfire. In fact, their rhetoric often uses such phrases as “wild west”, “gunfights in the streets”, and “bloodbath.”

And yet, despite the rhetoric, everywhere we look gun sales have been increasing for years while gun injuries and deaths have been plummeting.

California is the latest state to document this phenomenon. During the last decade, gun sales have almost doubled.  The Sacramento Bee reports that 600,000 guns were sold by dealers in 2012 compared to 350,000 in 2002.


During the same decade, gun injuries and deaths dropped by over 25%.


So when you next hear an emotion-filled plea from the left to yield your civil rights, remember that the data does not support their drama-based arguments.

Read more at The Sacramento Bee.

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