Author Archives: John Pierce
Cuomo violates state law in his effort to pass gun control
New York has passed a series of unconstitutional gun control measures as a means of exploiting the Newtown tragedy. Therefore, it should come as little surprise that they were willing to violate state law in order to pass this anti-civil-rights … Continue reading
Proposed New York law will prevent transfer of currently owned firearms
Take a look America. This is the face of evil … the very, very, wrinkled face of evil. It belongs to Sheldon Silver the Speaker of the New York Assembly. This afternoon, he unveiled more details of the draconian gun … Continue reading
Predicting ban on semi-autos, Schumer calls on stores to stop selling now
New York Senator and rabid anti-gunner Chuck Schumer today called on all major retailers to shut-down the Second Amendment by voluntarily stopping sales of semi-auto firearms until he and his cronies on the Democrat party can take legislative action. Flat … Continue reading
The man who would be king: President Obama to take executive action against gun owners
Today President Obama stated that he is still awaiting a report from Vice President Biden on gun control suggestions. However, he was quick to assure the press that he felt that there were steps he could take to accomplish his … Continue reading
New York appears ready to fire the first shot in the coming gun-control battle
Sources speaking on condition of anonymity have reported that anti-gun New York legislators feel they have the votes to pass the nations first knee-jerk, draconian reaction to the Newtown madman. The sources state that the bill will add even more … Continue reading
Grand Rapids mayor refuses to obey state law
At a City Commission meeting last Wednesday, Grand Rapids Michigan Mayor George Heartwell heard from Michigan Open Carry that a Grand Rapids city ordinance runs afoul of state law. In a statement issued after the meeting, Mayor Heartwell admitted that … Continue reading
Elderly Wisconsin store owner turns the tables on armed robber
Ernestine Aldana and her husband have owned a small grocery store in Milwaukee Wisconsin for two years. But last month was the first time that she had ever been faced with an armed robbery. Thankfully, her son had purchased her … Continue reading quoted in article on Portland men who open carry rifles
I was contacted yesterday by Noelle Crombie from the Oregonian. She wanted to comment on the case of Warren Drouin and Steven Boyce who have undertaken a campaign of long-gun open carry in the Portland area. While pointing out … Continue reading