Category Archives: Media Bias
Hit show American Guns cancelled by Discovery Channel
In just two seasons, American Guns has become one of The Discovery Channel’s biggest hits with ratings surging 50% for the second season premiere. However, as anti-gun forces shrilly attack anything related to positive coverage of the shooting sports following … Continue reading
Anti-American Piers Morgan abandons all pretense of journalistic integrity
Dr. John Lott takes on Soledad O’Brien
Sportscaster Peter King claims NFL players are turning in guns
On NBC Sports, Peter King has claimed that at least 7 NFL players have turned in personally owned firearms to team security officers since Jovan Belcher’s murder of his girlfriend and subsequent suicide. He even quotes one player, who turned … Continue reading
WVU Mountaineer mascot ordered to stop hunting with university-issued musket
The West Virginia University Mountaineer mascot dresses in buckskins, wears a coonskin cap, and carries a musket. As it turns out, it is a fairly effective hunting rifle. The man behind the mascot, Jonathan Kimble, filmed himself shooting a bear with … Continue reading
3 out of every 4 NFL players is a gun owner
In the wake of the attacks on gun ownership by Jason Whitlock and Bob Costas, the media has turned their attention to the number of athletes who legally and responsibly own guns. And the numbers are impressive. According to an … Continue reading
Charles Barkley tells Costas why he carries a gun
“[I’ve] carried a gun in my car, every day of my life since I was 21 or 22 … never had to use it … it would take extreme circumstances for me to even touch it.” – Charles Barkley Basketball legend … Continue reading
Steeler’s linebacker James Harrison says guns are not the problem
“[Jovan Belcher] did it. And he alone is responsible for it. It has nothing to do with the guns.” – James Harrison Harrison, who is a self described avid gun collector, made the comments in an interview with USA Today. He … Continue reading