Category Archives: Gun Control
The man who would be king: President Obama to take executive action against gun owners
Today President Obama stated that he is still awaiting a report from Vice President Biden on gun control suggestions. However, he was quick to assure the press that he felt that there were steps he could take to accomplish his … Continue reading
New York state considers even more draconian gun laws
Pictured here with fellow anti-liberty activist and New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg is New York’s Democrat governor Andrew Cuomo. As Democrats across the country en-masse abandon their promises to constituents that “we won’t take your guns, ” the 2016 presidential … Continue reading
Georgia is the latest state to report skyrocketing gun sales
As we have previously reported, gun sales have skyrocketed across the country as Democrats declare war on gun owners. Georgia is the latest state to document the strength of recents sales. Across the state, carry permit applications and sales are … Continue reading
Anti-American bigot Piers Morgan will leave America if we do not pass gun control
As the petition to deport Piers Morgan approaches 100,000 signatures, the self-righteous prat has sought out a British outlet to defend himself and spew his hatred of all things American. You will have to read the article for yourself … Continue reading
Gun crime soars in ‘handgun free’ Great Britain
Despite having had a complete ban on handguns for over 15 years, the criminal use of handguns in Britain continues to climb. Last year alone, gun crime in Britain increased 35%. In fact, data just released shows that the number … Continue reading
Senator Saslaw bemoans his impotence over gun control
As Minority Leader, Virginia Senator Dick Saslaw (D-35th) may be the most powerful Democrat in the Virginia General Assembly but, try as he might, he cannot seem to strip those pesky citizens of their gun rights. Last week at a … Continue reading